Jason Raithel – WOMC Weight Loss Story

Jason Raithel weight loss

Carrying around excess pounds can be difficult both physically and emotionally. It can be even harder to not look or feel your best when you’re in the public eye, like 104.3’s Jason Rathiel or Mike Aguilar of Mojo in the Morning.

This year, Jason decided that it was finally time to lose weight. He started the Ideal You program in January 2021, hoping to lose 40 pounds by March. As of today, he has lost 100 pounds – and is no longer the 300 Lb Cowboy!

If you want to make a change in your life, Ideal You is here to help. We offer our clients the possibility of life-changing weight loss that happens quickly and sustainably – without fad diets or hours of exercise.  Does that sound too good to be true? Keep reading to learn how Jason Rathiel made it happen.

The 300 Lb Cowboy Is No Longer 300 Lbs

jason raithel

Jason Rathiel, the executive producer and on-air personality for 104.3 WOMC, had spent years making his weight a focal point of his show. In fact, his “brand”  – the 300 Lb Cowboy – was based on his size. He would even participate in stunts that focused on his weight, like stuffing as many Peeps in his mouth as possible.

For Jason, being the 300 Lb Cowboy lost its appeal. After years of doing the same thing, he wanted to take charge of his health and well-being. In January 2021, he decided to take control of his weight – and joined Ideal You.

How Jason Raithel Lost 100 Pounds with Ideal You

Initially, Jason set a goal of losing 50 pounds in the first 40 days of the program. In just 3 weeks, he was already down 30 pounds – and feeling much better! In less than a year, Jason lost 100 pounds – and was searching for a new stage name.

Ideal You is different from other weight loss programs. As Jason Raithel can attest, we don’t ask you to go on a crash diet or exercise for hours. We also don’t ask you to eat frozen diet foods, chalky shakes, or nasty protein bars.

Instead, you’ll eat real food from your structured food list. Instead of choking down bland, boring “diet” foods, you’ll get to eat plenty of lean protein, healthy fats, fresh fruits and vegetables. We even offer a range of healthy, flavorful recipes to help you get started!

The Ideal You program works by helping you change your metabolism from fat-storing to fat-burning. We know that weight loss is about more than just cutting calories. To help our clients lose weight quickly and sustainably, we address all of the factors that lead to weight gain (and make it hard to drop pounds) – like sleep and hydration.

When Jason joined Ideal You, he had no idea that he would lose ⅓ of his body weight. But by taking advantage of all that our program has to offer – including all-natural supplements, a food diary, weigh-ins, a structured food list, and support from weight loss coaches and doctors – he was able to make a huge change in his life. 

Say goodbye to the 300 Lb Cowboy – and hello to Ideal You!

Lose Weight Quickly & Sustainably with Ideal You

Whether you’re an on-air radio personality or an avid radio listener, we could all use a little help getting to our goal weight. Ideal You makes it possible, with a team of professionals that guide you through the process and help you make better choices.

Ideal You is a lifestyle change, with a focus on eating real food and taking food-based supplements to rev up your metabolism. With our program, you will experience sustainable, life-changing weight loss that happens faster than you could ever dream possible. Working together, we will help you get to where you want to be – just like we did for Jason Rathiel!

If you’re ready to get started give us a call at 888-488-7258 or schedule a free consultation at our Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Livonia, Lansing, or Sterling Heights locations.


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