Calorie Calculator

You can use our free online calorie calculator below to calculate approximately how many calories you need each day to either maintain, gain, or lose weight.  Simply fill out your information below and our calculator will generate your required daily caloric needs. While Ideal You is happy to offer this calculator, we do not recommend counting calories for weight loss. If you’re looking to lose weight, there is a better way to do it. You can read more about that below.

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Why Use A Calorie Calculator?

Calorie calculators are often used by individuals to determine how many calories they need each day. Your caloric intake plays a role in your weight. Eating a specified amount of calories each day can help with weight maintenance, weight gain, and weight loss. A calorie calculator can provide a personalized daily calorie requirement based on your body specifications and goals. Of course, the quality of calories consumed is just as important as the quantity of calories consumed. You’ll want to track what you’re eating in addition to how many calories you’re eating.

Why You Shouldn’t Count Calories For Weight Loss

Losing weight can be complex and there are more factors involved than just the number of calories consumed each day. You can cut calories, but if you’re eating the wrong foods, you may still struggle to lose weight. At Ideal You, we don’t count calories. Instead, we focus on a more holistic approach to weight loss.

The key to losing weight and keeping the weight off is resetting your metabolism. Our program is designed to do just that by focusing on balancing your body. We provide our clients with a proven structured food list and natural supplements to improve their diet. We also focus on improving sleep, reducing stress, and making sure clients are getting enough water each day. All of these factors play a role in weight loss. Ready to start losing weight? Our program can help you lose up to 40 pounds in just 40 days. You can call 888-488-7258 or schedule a free consultation to learn more.